How to Beat the Fuel Price Hikes?

Fuel prices are skyrocketing everywhere and there is nothing much we can do in terms of reducing the hikes in fuel prices.

What we can actually do is follow practices that can help reduce the fuel consumption in our vehicles and thus reduce the overall spending on fuel.

To give you an understanding of the different practices and techniques you can adapt to stop overspending on fuel, today we bring you a list of tips to beat the fuel price hikes.

Make use of Credit Card and Digital Wallet Offers

The best way to reduce spending on refuelling is by making use of offers provided by credit card companies and digital wallets. There are many digital wallets and credit card options which offer loyalty points or cash back when transactions are done at any partner fuel stations.

Check if the credit card or digital wallet application that you use come with any such offer and try to utilize it from the next time.


Carpooling is a very good idea especially if you are a student or an employee. Carpooling not only reduces expenditure on fuel but also helps in making long distance or heavy traffic driving less stressful. It also helps the environment by reducing carbon emissions and also makes it easier to find parking spots.

If you do not have any friends or colleagues near your location with whom you can carpool, there are several mobile applications available which help you to instantly find new people around your location who are interested in carpooling.

Make use of Navigation Apps

There are several navigation apps available for all major mobile operating systems which can help you in finding the most efficient route to your destination by avoiding any traffic congestions. In case you get stuck in a sudden traffic, then these applications can also help you to quickly get out of the congestion as well.

Google Maps is one of the most used navigation apps out there. The Google Maps application is fast, provides the most efficient route, and has a very user-friendly interface as well.

Always Keep your Vehicle’s Health in Check

Almost all of the components and fluids present in your vehicle have a direct impact on the performance and fuel efficiency of your vehicle. Therefore, make sure to always check the health of your vehicle’s parts and fluids in check so as to make sure that nothing is affecting the fuel consumption.

The wheels on your vehicle also play an important role in fuel consumption. Always make sure that the wheels in your vehicle are aligned and inflated properly for maximum fuel efficiency.

Drive Efficiently

Hard acceleration and braking have a negative impact on fuel consumption. Make sure to drive on a steady speed and brake slowly within a safe distance. Also, try to reduce the number of gear shifts while driving as it also adversely affects the fuel consumption.

Final Words

Well, the tips listed above are some sure-shot ways to make sure that you spend less on fuel moving ahead.

If you have some working tips of your own that can help reduce spending on fuel, then feel free to mention them as a comment below.

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