How to batch rename files on Windows 10

Renaming one single file on Windows 10 is a simple and straightforward process, but when it comes to renaming hundreds of files in a folder in one go, it becomes one tedious and laborious task. While there are many third-party tools available to ease this task; Windows 10 also offers some quick and simple ways to rename multiple files using File Explorer, Command Prompt, and PowerShell. So, without any further ado, let’s understand how to batch rename files in Windows 10.

How to batch rename files on Windows 10

Let’s walk you through the three different ways to quickly batch rename files on Windows 10.

1. Renaming Multiple Files Using File Explorer 

  • For renaming multiple files using tab

This tip is useful when you want to quickly rename multiple files with different names.

Step 1 – Open “File Explorer

batch rename files on Windows

Step 2 – Browse the files folder that includes the file you wish to rename

batch rename files on Windows

Step 3 – Select the first file in the list

batch rename files on Windows

Step 4 – Press “F2” or the “Rename” option on the ribbon tab to rename files

Step 5 – Type “New Name

batch rename files on Windows

Step 6 – To go to next file hit “Tab

batch rename files on Windows

Continue entering “New Name” and click “Tab” until all the files in the folders are renamed.

  • For renaming files in bulk

This tip is useful when you need batch rename files on Windows 10 at one go using the same name structure.

Step 1 – Open “File Explorer

batch rename files on Windows

Step 2 – Browse to the files folder that includes the file you wish to rename

batch rename files on Windows

Step 3 – Select “All Files” in the folder or hit “Ctrl+A

batch rename files on Windows

Step 4 – Press “F2” or the select the “Rename” option on the ribbon tab to rename files

batch rename files on Windows

Step 5 – Type “New Name

batch rename files on Windows

Step 6 – Hit “Enter

batch rename files on Windows

As you enter a new name for the file and press the “Enter”, all the selected files will be automatically renamed using the same structure. But, the new names will use an unlike number between parentheses. For example, Sample (1).jpg and Sample (2).jpg.

2. Renaming Multiple Files Using Command Prompt

You can use the ren (or rename) command to change the name of a single file or multiple files.

Step 1 – Open “File Explorer

batch rename files on Windows

Step 2 – Browse the files folder that includes the file you wish to rename

batch rename files on Windows

Step 3 – Type ‘cmd’ in the address bar and hit ‘Enter’

batch rename files on Windows

  • Renaming Single File

To rename one single file, use the below command syntax and hit ‘Enter’.

ren “old-filename.txt” “new-filename.txt”

Command syntax example:

batch rename files on Windows

batch rename files on Windows

  • Renaming Multiple Files

To rename multiple files, use this below command syntax and press “Enter

ren *.ext1 ???-newfilename.*

Command syntax example:

batch rename files on Windows

batch rename files on Windows

3. Renaming multiple files using PowerShell

PowerShell as an advanced command line allows the users to alter filenames in many ways.  To batch rename files using PowerShell:

Step 1 – Open “File Explorer

batch rename files on Windows

Step 2 – Browse the files folder that includes the file you wish to rename

batch rename files on Windows

Step 3 – Open “PowerShell” from “File” tab on the ribbon tab

batch rename files on Windows

  • Renaming Single File

Use the below command syntax

Rename-Item “original_filename.ext1” “new_filename.ext1”

Sample command syntax

batch rename files on Windows

batch rename files on Windows

  • Renaming Multiple Files

Use the below syntax for renaming multiple files

Dir | %{Rename-Item $_ -NewName (“new_filename{0}.ext1” -f $nr++)}

Sample command syntax

batch rename files on Windows

batch rename files on Windows

Note: when you run command syntax all the images with a .jpg extension will be renamed using a similar structure, but each file name will use a different number at the end of the name. For example, 1_0.jpg and 1_1.jpg.

We hope this Windows guide helped you out.

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